Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm Rich

 This morning I searched my wallet. 
It was empty
Then, I checked my pockets
I found a few coins
I then searched my heart and found you.
Then, I realized how rich I really am...
Thanks for being my friend and e-mail buddy! 
May you be as rich as I am
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


 Durrat Al Bahrain is a unique place where contrasting lifestyles complement each other. It’s an island and a city, it’s the desert and the sea, it’s a holiday and a home, it’s a place to be together, it’s escapism and adventure. It’s one world that offers you endless possibilities. It is a place like no other  It is a place where contrasts come together to beautiful effect, and create a world full of richness and unique experiences. It is a place where a lifestyle we aspire to and a holiday we long for become reality. It is a place where the buzz of a world-class city meets the beauty and tranquility of an island

Global Warming

Global warming is the warming near the earth's surface that results when the earth's atmosphere traps the sun's heat. The earth is getting warmer. The changes are small, so far, but they are expected to grow and speed up. Within the next fifty to one hundred years, the earth may be hotter than it has been in the past million years. As oceans warm and glaciers melt, land and cities along coasts may be flooded. Heat and drought may cause forests to die and food crops to fail. Global warming will affect weather everywhere, plants and animals everywhere, people everywhere; humans are warming the earth's atmosphere by burning fuels, cutting down forest, and by taking part in other activities that release certain heat trapping gases into the air.

One major cause of global warming is the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas that were formed from the remains of plant material deposited during the earth's carboniferous period. We have known for only a few thousand years that coal, oil, and natural gas can be burned to provide energy. It was not until the mid-1800s, however, that we began to burn very large quantities of these fossil fuels. The worldwide consumption of fossil fuel has increased dramaticall

Each Problem has a Solution....Oh Yes!!!

Good photography is a matter of timing....

   Hope you have enjoyed best     photos where hours were spent to     take one perfect photo.